Great Courses of Britain & Ireland: The Berkshire
Less well known than some other heathland courses west of London, this club’s two Herbert Fowler layouts deserve their due In a 2018 essay titled “A disappearing landscape: The heathlands of the Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey borders,” Alan G. Crosby of the British Association for Local History wrote that at the beginning of the 18th […]
Great Courses of Britain & Ireland: Slieve Russell
Think you’ve discovered all of Ireland’s charms? Not unless you’ve played “Merrigan’s masterpiece” For years, golfing visitors to Ireland tended to linger in the capital, then travel in a predictable direction. After sampling the array of fine courses located close to Dublin, they’d head to the magical southwest. It’s time to change direction, as Ireland’s […]
8 Hidden Gems in Hawaii
Every year, Kapalua Resort and Waialae Country Club take turns sharing the spotlight as the PGA Tour makes a brief swing through Hawaii. Between those two prolific golf properties, along with resort courses such as Princeville Makai, Mauna Kea, and Manele (not to mention Four Seasons properties in Lanai, Hualalai, and Wailea), there’s no shortage […]
6 Hidden Gems in Northern Europe
There are “Royal” clubs and European Tour venues on the Belgian, Dutch, German, and Danish coastlines, so calling them “hidden gems” might be a bit of a stretch… but this is northern Europe we’re talking about. Here’s half a dozen beauties in northern Europe which most definitely warrant a visit. Royal Ostend (Belgium) Unlike its […]
7 Hidden Gems in France
When talking about golf courses in the far north of France to a largely American audience, the term “hidden gem” may be a little redundant. We know many readers are keen travelers and like to experience the game away from home, but it’s likely even the most intrepid won’t know the golf on the Brittany, […]
15 Hidden Gems in Ireland
Has anything or anyone benefitted more from the internet than Irish golf? Images of Waterville, Tralee, Old Head, or Royal County Down speed along the information superhighway and soon the world wants to visit. Courses that once charged 25 Pounds/Punts for 18 holes and lunch, and which people only knew about by reading the World […]
10 Hidden Gems in Scotland
Recently, we gave you 10 English courses that probably wouldn’t feature on any itinerary of first-time visitors, but which anyone who had been several times and was looking for something outside the country’s Open Championship venues and heathland classics might try. They were/are exceptional courses, each possessing a proud history, a distinct English flavor, and […]
10 Hidden Gems in England
England is a long way for American readers to go—and when they do, they’re likely to head to Open Championship venues and/or Surrey and Berkshire’s world-renowned heathland layouts. But we know there’s a small percentage of readers who go often and for whom the historic courses are old hat. Those are probably familiar with a […]
LINKS Golf Podcast Ep. 79: The Gems of Middle England and Other Underrated Golf Areas of the World
Contributing writer Nick Edmund, founder of Global Golf 4 Cancer, hops on the LINKS Golf Podcast to talk about his feature on 12 dazzling courses from “Middle England” in the Winter 2021 issue of LINKS. Nick and Digital Editor Al Lunsford cover an array of topics including other underrated golf areas around the world, Nick’s […]
Golf’s Truly Hidden Gems
It’s hard to define what exactly qualifies as a hidden gem, but we all know them when we see them. For some reason, they don’t get the love or recognition they deserve from Top-100 lists, and the only logical explanation is that if the word got out, it would be tougher to get a tee […]