10 Golf Rules That Should be Changed

Few pursuits have as many arcane rules as the game of golf. Did you know, for example, that you can play a shot from within a clubhouse (if it’s not out of bounds), and even open a window or door to facilitate such a shot? The Rules say that you can. They say a lot […]
What’s the Ruling? 5 Unique Rules Scenarios Explained

On many levels, the game of golf is a huge part of my life. Along with writing about, watching, and playing the game as often as possible, I spend a large chunk of my weekends caddying for my two sons. Both boys are competitive junior golfers, and being on the bag for hundreds of rounds, […]
Music on the Golf Course: Pro or Con?
It used to be that all you’d hear on a golf course was birds chirping, brooks babbling, and human voices chatting—or cursing. But golf’s soundscape has changed. Today, golfers are just as likely to be listening to the latest release from Drake as the bucolic quacking of wood ducks. Proponents of the trend say it […]
Rules of Disorder: 10 Moments That Shouldn’t Have Happened

April of 2018 marked the 50th anniversary of a memorable Masters—but one that made its indelible mark in history for the wrong reasons. A Sunday in Augusta that should have been remembered for Roberto De Vicenzo holing out for an eagle on the first hole on the way to a 65, and for Bob Goalby […]
Bunker Mentality: An Interview with a Golf Bunker
Why are bunkers where they are? What purpose do they serve? Are they even fair? To answer these pressing questions and more, there’s only one place to go: Directly to the sandy source
5 Myths About The Rules
1. IN MATCH PLAY, WHEN IN DOUBT, PLAY A SECOND BALL Playing a second ball is only allowed in stroke play (Rule 3-3). If you and your opponent have a dispute about a situation or Rule, do what you think is allowed under the Rules and if your opponent disagrees, he can make a timely […]
Should Golf Have a Worldwide Handicap System?
Would a global handicap system make the game better? I think not.
Dogged Victim | Taking it Slow
The U.S. Open at Merion is the perfect venue for the USGA to get tough on the nagging issue of slow play. But their stance seems to be “Not so Fast…”
Why Only 14 Clubs?

According to the Rules There Should Be No More Than 14 Clubs in Your Bag. Ever Wonder Why?