American Dream Courses: Best of the Rest

Hawaii Courses

Regular readers will know the emphasis of the “American Dream” series—highlighting really good golf where everyone is welcome and everyone can afford to play—has not been on identifying notable, affordable golf in every state, but rather in each of nine regions around the country: Southeast, Deep South, Southwest, Northwest, Mountain West, Midwest (West), Midwest (East), […]

High & Mighty: Exploring New England’s Majestic Mountain Courses

We have three things to thank for New England’s bevy of mountain beauties: geomorphic forces dating back millions of years, a burgeoning ski industry desperate to fill summer hotel rooms, and the invention of the golf cart. We’ll skip the geology lesson, fascinating as it is. Suffice it to say that the Laurentide Ice Sheet […]

The Balsams Grand Resort, New Hampshire

A lot of golf courses lay claim to the name Donald Ross, but in few of these places do you feel Ross’ presence as strongly as at New Hampshire’s Panorama Golf Course, part of an elegant Dixville Notch resort called The Balsams. This palpable sense of Ross’ genius is probably due to three factors: He […]