5 Myths About Golf Nutrition

What you eat and drink—or don’t—can affect your game, says nutritionist Ariane Hundt of Golf & Body NYC
5 Myths About The Rules
1. IN MATCH PLAY, WHEN IN DOUBT, PLAY A SECOND BALL Playing a second ball is only allowed in stroke play (Rule 3-3). If you and your opponent have a dispute about a situation or Rule, do what you think is allowed under the Rules and if your opponent disagrees, he can make a timely […]
5 Myths About Bunkers
Architect Jim Urbina says we no longer understand their true purpose 1) Bunkers are there to penalize golfers Nothing could be further from the truth. The great old-time architects said a hazard isn’t just for punishment but to make the game more interesting. Golfers take bunkers personally: Those of us in the design business see […]
5 Myths About Golf Balls

1: Any Ball From Your Bag Is Fine Do you change your driver or irons every round? Of course not. It should be the same with your golf ball. Performance and quality differ among brands and models, particularly on shots into and around the green. A key step to developing a more consistent game is […]
5 Myths About Course Maintenance
The Superintendent Likes To Overwater If the course is too wet, don’t blame the super and his crew, who know better than anyone that too much water is bad for turf, slows play, and will cause further damage under the feet—and cleats—of golfers. If the culprit isn’t a broken irrigation system, the course topography, or […]
5 Myths About Golf Clubs

Myth No. 1: Lower loft means longer shots It may work that way with most of your irons, but not so the driver. The slower the swing speed, the higher the driver loft must be to maximize distance. If you swing the driver 65-75mph, use a 15o loft driver; 75-85mph, use 13o; 85-95mph, 12o. Those of you who hit […]