The Best Courses Under Five Years Old

A classic golf course has its quirks, charm, and beauty. To walk in the steps of legends or feel connected to golfers of an era-gone-by can never get old—nor will the uniqueness of a course that has been on the same plot of land for a hundred years. But there’s just something about a modern […]
A Deep Dive into Mammoth Dunes at Sand Valley
By Erik Matuszewski I scanned the carts in front of the clubhouse, searching for the one headed to the 7th hole for our shotgun start at Mammoth Dunes. Jordan, the friendly young attendant who’d earlier said he’d be ferrying us to our opening hole, saw my confusion and waved me over. He was standing next […]
First Peek: Mammoth Dunes
By James A. Frank The course is called Mammoth, the fairways are mammoth, the views and the surrounding forest are mammoth. Even the early hype about this David McLay Kidd design in the middle of Wisconsin has been mammoth. But big isn’t the whole story. Which isn’t to say that size doesn’t matter. It […]