What Golf Resorts Are Doing to Stay Relevant

In case you haven’t noticed, golf resorts are stepping up their game like never before. Putting courses and short courses are all the rage. Developer Mike Keiser is opening a new must-play course on almost an annual basis. And while new course design has taken a back seat, resorts are pumping significant money into restoring, […]
Golf’s Short Course Craze
By Tony Dear Golf’s short course movement is in full swing. Whether it’s a layout with fewer than 18 holes, or one consisting solely of par threes, truncated golf is appearing with increasing regularity as America discovers how much fun it can be, how great it is for introducing youth to the game, how […]
Exploring Golf in Northern Michigan

Growing up in the Cadillacs-and-concrete jungle called Detroit, northern Michigan may as well have been a mythological realm—all fjords, forests, and fog. Never got up there as a kid (I didn’t ski, nor swim) and hell, we thought the slate-gray waters of Lake Erie an hour into Canada were plenty beautiful. But thank the mighty […]
Six of Golf’s Best 19th Holes

One year at the Masters Tournament, my wife and I were sitting with Robert Trent Jones, Jr., and his better half, Claiborne, at an evening function when he told me that Alister MacKenzie’s original drawings of Augusta National included a 19th hole for settling tied matches. He told me I better fact-check this when I […]