Questions for Audubon International

The long, emerald-green fairways of the Dairy Creek Golf Course double as a serene nature haven where birds are celebrated and protected. The course, in the California coastal town of San Luis Obispo, even has the credentials to prove it: Audubon International has certified it as a sanctuary.

The Top 10 Eco-Friendly Practices of Golf Courses

Golf, a game played in nature, has for years been lambasted by tree-huggers as a despoiler of the environment. Some of the criticism was deserved, but the industry overall has self-corrected since the millennium, pioneering cost-effective ways to become better stewards of the environment. In honor of Earth Day on April 22, here are what […]

Perfectly Imperfect at Merion

Dovetailing nicely with the USGA’s eco-friendly approach, Merion superintendent Matt Shaffer oversees one of the most sustainable programs in the country