A Creative Solution to Golf’s Distance Question

golf distance

The 50 Percent Solution—don’t just limit the distance of clubs, limit the number of them So it seems we’re finally going to get some answers from the USGA and R&A on the distance question. After decades of dithering, withering, and slithering, the two ruling bodies have suddenly become veritable sword-rattlers, promising serious action in the […]

11 Holes Where Augusta National Can Add Distance

augusta national

How the most recognized course in golf is dealing with golf’s most recognizable issue There are not many golf courses as well positioned as Augusta National to survive the distance onslaught. As the world’s best players continue to play a longer game each year, and as golf’s governing bodies now appear to have reached a […]

LINKS Golf Podcast Ep. 80: George Peper’s Solution to the Distance Debate

distance debate

George Peper details his unconventional solution to golf’s distance dilemma and provides a surprisingly cogent argument to back up his seemingly outlandish take in the Season 7 finale of the LINKS Golf Podcast. You can subscribe to the LINKS Golf Podcast in iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. _______________ What did you think of the […]