Walking Tall: Six Great Golf Shoes for a Walking Round

walking shoes feat

“Playing golf from a cart and playing golf on your feet are two totally different experiences,” says course architect David McLay Kidd. “You can feel the slope. You’re feeling the wind and the temperature and the softness of the surface. Just those things alone make a huge difference in a golf shot.” Some may proclaim […]

Best Push Cart Options for Golf’s Walking Resurgence

Best Push Cart

If you’re among those golfers who rediscovered the joy of walking the course in 2020, you’re in good company. Not only has play been up nationwide, but so has the percentage of walking rounds. So, it shouldn’t be too much of surprise to hear that many manufacturers and retailers have been running out of push […]

Links Living: Bay Creek

The perfect antidote to the crowds and clutter of coastal destinations, this beachfront community on Virginia’s Cape connects its members to the natural beauty that surrounds them It’s not often that you hear of a golf community eliminating nine holes from its award-winning lineup and improving the golf experience. But that’s exactly what Bay Creek, […]

10 Ways to Make Walking the Course More Fun

Golf doesn’t have to be a good walk spoiled (if it ever was). It can just be a good walk—punctuated by moments both thrilling and aggravating. Here are a few ideas for turning your next on-course stroll into a grand tour. 1. Tune into Some Tunes Listening to music on the golf course has its […]