The Top 10 Courses Named for Trees
Trees on golf courses can be loved and admired, but they can also be controversial. Recent trends have focused on serious tree removal. Yet, dozens of clubs owe their very existence to trees, meaning the club’s name incorporates a type of tree. Oaks and pines predominate among this group, so to provide a bit of […]
Gil Hanse’s Architecture 101: The Trouble With Trees
No architect wants to remove them from a golf course, but it’s often the best solution I am frequently asked what is the most difficult part of restoring Golden Age golf courses. My answer is always the same: trees. People look at trees wistfully, even romantically, and their opinions are always subjective. But when we […]
Golf’s Greatest Trees
No part of the golf course has come in for as much stick in recent years as its trees. Until around 2010, trees enjoyed a healthy-enough reputation, but over the last decade golfers have gotten wise to their shortcomings—impeding views, blocking sunlight, restricting air movement, sucking soil nutrients the turf needs, and hindering strategy. Actually, […]
The Second Most Famous Tree in Golf?
Which titan of timber has a bite worse than its bark?