LINKS Golf Podcast Episode 51: Underrated Golf Destination: Canada

LINKS Insider contributor and native Canadian Adam Stanley joins Digital Editor Al Lunsford on this episode of the LINKS Golf Podcast to detail the best golf destinations around the Great White North. Adam gives tips on what things any traveler needs to know when considering a golf trip to Canada. The hosts speak to some […]

Frugal Golfer: Prince Edward Island

By George Peper It’s Myrtle Beach with a maple leaf. With more than two dozen golf courses, all within 45 minutes of one another and charging green fees under $100, Prince Edward Island is the Frugal Golfer’s Canadian oasis. Due east of Maine, just north of Nova Scotia, Canada’s smallest province (about twice the size […]

New Golf Mecca: Prince Edward Island

Forget the doom and gloom. This gotta-play region hasn’t thrown in the golf towel, choosing instead to invest in the game, add new courses and places to stay, and reach out to traveling golfers. It’s where to go now.

Great Seaside Golf on Prince Edward Island, Canada

Prince Edward Island (PEI) is connected to the New Brunswick mainland by an eight-mile bridge. For about six months of every year, the maritime lifestyle and pastoral setting draw legions of visitors, many of whom have been coming here for generations to stay at the colorful inns and bed-and-breakfasts near the beaches—and to play the […]