Golf’s Most Exhilarating Courses

Ireland’s Old Head is golf’s most exhilarating experience There are moments in golf that you wish could be frozen in time: Stepping onto the first tee of the Old Course at St. Andrews; emerging from the trees to greet 15, 16, and 17 at Cypress Point; staring down the daunting approach over the Pacific at […]
Old Head: The World’s Most Spectacular Course Turns 25

The most spectacular course on earth celebrates a special anniversary There are bucket list courses. Then there’s the Old Head. More than two decades have passed since I boldly proclaimed the new Old Head Golf Links to be the most spectacular course in the world. Following a fall 1998 visit, I put into words what […]
The Most Resonating Courses in Golf

Some golf courses have a unique and unmistakable sense of place. The ancient Romans had an expression: genius loci, or sense of place. Their belief was that every city and town had its own spiritual identity, the way it was experienced, imagined, yearned for, and held in the heart and soul. Now, 3,000 years later, […]
10 of Golf’s Most Dramatic Cliffside Courses

When you think of the elements that create drama on a golf course routing, two of the first that jump to mind are probably “on the water” and “significant elevation change.” So, it’s small surprise that cliffside golf holes elicit such interest and fascination. Some courses fully embrace their cliffside location, putting the perched prominence […]
A Guide to Ireland’s 10 Best 19th Holes

There’s luck—and then there’s the luck of the Irish, who can enjoy spectacular golf daily just minutes from their doorsteps and famed pubs within crawling distance of almost every 18th green. With the help of the experts at luxury golf tour operator PerryGolf and their concierge driver team at Kennedy Coaches, I’ve put together a […]
Top 10 Most Scenic Golf Courses
In a world rich with stunning golf courses, some layouts simply stand above the rest. Sure, there is a seemingly endless amount of courses that occupy seaside linksland or are blessed with a mountain backdrop, and while they’re definitely scenic, not all of them can make the cut for this list. The 10 courses I […]