Top New Drivers in 2021

The PGA Merchandise Show was an online affair this year, but club manufacturers still divulged plenty of share-worthy information about their latest offerings. And if there’s one thing that characterizes 2021’s crop of drivers, it’s variety. The days of one-size-fits-all drivers ended years ago, but club makers have gone to even greater lengths this year […]
Rick Shiels: Golf Equipment’s YouTube Guru

It’s hard to pinpoint Rick Shiels’s English accent. Predominantly Lancastrian, there’s a lot of Mancunian in there too, and just a trace of Yorkshire perhaps. Fortunately, despite the mix, he has no problem communicating with an audience, be it online or fans of Golf Channel’s Driver v. Driver 2 on which he was a judge. […]
Q&A with Mark King on Honma Golf, TaylorMade’s Shortcomings, and More

Through relentless innovation and unrelenting product launches, Mark King guided TaylorMade-adidasGolf to more than 50 percent market share in the metalwoods category and $1.7 billion in annual sales in 2013. It was a remarkable run, but one that ultimately couldn’t last as customers grew confused by the rapid driver launches and left the market flooded […]
Testing Bridgestone’s TOUR B JGR Woods
By Graylyn Loomis A few months ago, a box of clubs arrived at the LINKS office. Not an unusual occurrence, but this package contained a driver, 3-wood, and 5-wood from Bridgestone’s new line, the TOUR B JGR Series. Right now, if you’re like most golfers, you’re thinking, “Bridgestone makes woods? I thought they only made […]
PXG Golf Clubs – What’s the Big Deal?
By Erik Matuszewski Bob Parsons is a larger-than-life character in commercials for PXG’s high-end golf clubs. In real life, well, he’s the same way… only without saying, “Ka-boom, baby!” Sitting across a table in one of the luxurious villas at his Scottsdale National Golf Club, Parsons fixes his gaze on me and, in his […]
A Look at Lamb Crafted – The Hottest Putters on the Market
By Erik Matuszewski Wayne Gretzky had to wait about six months to get his hands on a Lamb Crafted putter—more than twice as long as it took him to get elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame following his NHL playing career. “The Great One” was a lucky one. Fellow Hall-of-Famer Mike Modano is still […]
Bringing Back the Classics: FootJoy 1857 Collection

Since metal woods, game-improvement irons, and space-age materials have become the norm, it’s difficult to find a golf company that can trace its roots back 50 years let alone three times that. But FootJoy can draw a timeline back to 1857, when one Frederick Packard left his father’s boot-making business to start crafting shoes of […]
6 DIY Golf Club Modifications
I rarely see a service or repair that doesn’t make me think, “I could do that myself!” Car trouble? I can fix it. Need a frame for that picture? I’ll make one. This attitude applies to golf, as well, where I often wonder if my clubs need to go to a pro or back to […]
Profile: Stitch Golf
I heard about Stitch Golf while at Pinehurst. I was paired with a guy carrying a classic-looking, forest-green stand bag with a small white Pinehurst logo. Looking closer, I realized it was made of a vinyl-like material unlike anything I’d seen on a golf bag. When I asked about it, he raved: “This is a […]
The Golf Equipment World: What’s New for 2018
By Jim Frank One man’s admittedly opinionated view of what you’ll want to be playing this year I’ve been covering golf equipment for a long time. So long that the recent PGA Merchandise Show—the industry’s trade fair, showcasing everything from clubs and balls to cardigans, carts, and cigars—was my 34th. Consecutive. Which isn’t a […]