Puttery: Big Plans for Miniature Golf with Rory McIlroy in the Fold

Forget everything you’ve seen or experienced on the miniature golf course, especially those cosmic rounds that you’ve played at darkened, indoor facilities. Drive Shack Inc. has unveiled a new adults-only, indoor miniature golf venture called Puttery, and the immersive properties bring a sophisticated twist to golf’s most approachable offshoot. Before you scoff at the idea […]
How Former Caddie Steve Hulka Set Up the Perfect Moving Business on the PGA Tour

Longtime PGA Tour caddie Steve Hulka was waiting to check in at Baltimore’s Thurgood Marshall Airport not long after 9/11 when he spotted two military personnel carrying M-15s. That’s when it hit him how much traveling, especially for those who do it for a living, had changed for good. “It was an eye-opener and I […]
Why OnCore’s Reach Now Extends Far Beyond Golf Balls

Golf balls have always been the core of OnCore Golf’s business—pun intended—but diversification was a fait accompli with Keith Blakely’s involvement. Blakely is the Chairman and CEO of OnCore, having started (and initially funded) the company about a decade ago along with his son, Bret, and his son’s friend, Steve Coulton. A serial entrepreneur and […]
LINKS Golf Podcast Episode 57: What Does the Data Say About the Golf Business in 2020?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Participation on the rise? A new trend in golf travel? National Golf Foundation Chief Business Officer Greg Nathan joins Digital Editor Al Lunsford to talk through a recent update on the state of the golf business from the NGF on the Season 6 premier of the LINKS Golf Podcast. You can subscribe to the LINKS […]