George Peper’s Golf Bucket List

By George Peper

Not long ago, I realized this is my 50th year as a golfer. Other than eat, sleep and breathe, I don’t think there’s anything I have done continuously for such an extended time, and the past half century has brought a precious trove of memories.

Like me, you no doubt have many warm memories from years of playing golf. And like me, you still have several items you want to check off your list. For one, I’d love to shoot my age. So far I haven’t come within 10 strokes, so I have some practicing—and aging—to do.

Although I’ve been fortunate enough to play nearly 700 courses, there are some great ones missing from my portfolio. The current top 10 on my “best courses I’ve never played” list includes Crystal Downs, Prairie Dunes, Camargo, Myopia Hunt and Old Macdonald in the United States; Ganton, Rye and Walton Heath in the United Kingdom; Kauri Cliffs in New Zealand; and Royal Adelaide in Australia. I’m determined to get to all of them.

Despite living in St. Andrews—on the same latitude as Moscow—I’ve never headed just a bit farther north to play golf at midnight during the summer solstice. That’s definitely on the agenda.

What follows is a list of 100 things every LINKS reader should try to do before hanging up the spikes. Chances are you’ve experienced well over half of them.

I doubt, however, that anyone has notched them all. A few are decidedly aspirational, demanding more than you may have of time, talent, connections and/or financial wherewithal. Others call for nothing but luck—good and bad—while in many cases the only requirement is either character or a passion for the game.

I’m up to 87 of the 100. Of the remaining 13, about a dozen are very tall assignments, so I don’t think I’ll get around to all of them. In a way I hope I don’t. That, after all, is the nature of golf—no matter what you may accomplish, you can never master the game. Whatever grief and glory may come your way, there’s always plenty more out there.

So have a look, check your progress and chart your course for the years ahead. Maybe we’ll cross paths somewhere along the way.

So you can bore people with your stories:

1. Play Augusta National

2. Play Pine Valley.

3. Play Pebble Beach.

4. Play the Old Course.

5. Play at least one course in each of the 50 states. (OK, admittedly this is a tough one—if you’ve already done this, I’m not sure whether I’m envious or afraid of you.)

6. Play two courses in different states in the same day. (It’s a lot easier in the Northeast than, say, Hawaii.)

7. Play at least one course in Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia and South America.

8. Play at least 54 holes in one day—and walk them if possible. (You likely did this a long time ago—and likely can’t do it now.)

9. Play at least five courses for every year you have lived. (If you’re really into course collecting, go for 10.)

10. Play Greenland’s Sondie Arctic Desert Golf Course, the world’s most northerly course.

11. Play Argentina’s Ushuaia Golf Club, the world’s southernmost course.

12. Play Furnace Creek Golf Club in Death Valley, California. At 214 feet below sea level, it is the world’s lowest course.

13. Play La Paz (Bolivia) Golf Club, the world’s highest course at an elevation of 10,800 feet.

14. Get a private lesson from Hank Haney,Butch Harmon, David Leadbetter, Jim McLean or Dave Pelz. (And be prepared to pay dearly for the privilege.)

15. Meet and shake hands with Jack Nicklaus.

16. Witness a double eagle, even if you have to see it on television. (But make sure it’s live TV—no Sports Center replays.)

17.  Get up and down, exploding your first shot from a ball submerged in water.

18.  Go to the Masters.

Because it’s the right thing to do:

19. Introduce someone to the game.

20. Call a penalty on yourself.

21. Caddie for a family member or friend in an important event.

22. Give something back to the game. (Volunteer as a marshal at a tournament, work for a golf charity, donate your old clubs.)

23. Get yourself custom-fitted.

24. Read the Rules of Golf. (This may be the most challenging assignment of all.)

25. Go to the British Open—preferably in Scotland, ideally in St. Andrews.

26. Go back and play the course where you played your very first round.

27. Play 18 holes without consulting any yardage markers, books or devices.

28. Play 18 holes with hickory clubs.

29. Go to a golf school—or get a series of lessons.

30. Visit the World Golf Hall of Fame.

31. Visit the graves of Old and Young Tom Morris.

32. Visit the Pinehurst Resort.

33. Play 10 holes alone.

34. Have your swing video-taped. (It’s like hearing your voice on tape for the first time.)

35. Play 18 holes in 2½ hours or less—walking.

36. If you’re a dog owner, find a course that allows you to take Fido along, and then play it, just the two of you.

37. Learn and understand Equitable Stroke Control.

38. Learn and understand the Slope system.

39. Determine the exact distance you hit the ball in the air with each of your clubs.

40. Spend several hours practicing nothing but bunker shots.

41. Start a golf collection of some kind. (Here’s an easy one: Do your best to make a list of all the courses you’ve played in your life—year played, companions, any salient details. Then keep adding to it. Years from now, you’ll love perusing it.)

42. Learn how to regrip a club.

43. Fall in love with a funky putter.

44. Read at least one book by Bobby Jones.

45. Read at least one book by Bernard Darwin.

Because it’s a hoot:

46. Play 18 holes while carrying no more than four clubs.

47. Play 18 holes while listening to music on bluetooth speakers

48. Play a course at half its length, using a Cayman ball, which goes about 50 percent of a normal ball.

49. Play 18 holes of summer solstice golf, teeing off at midnight.

50. Failing that, play a course that’s floodlit for night play.

51. Failing that, play a few holes with a day-glo ball.

52. Be the first to tee off on an early spring morning.

53. Be the last to finish on a late fall evening.

54. Take a golf-hyphen orgy trip of a week or more with your golf buddies.

55. Play 18 holes after consuming at least three adult beverages.

56. Play Frisbee golf.

57. Play when there’s snow coming down and the fairways have turned white.

As a way of validating your skill:

58. Shoot your age.

59. Failing that, shoot your age net.

60. Shoot your career best score in a tournament.

61. Drive a par 4 and make the putt.

62. If your handicap is higher than 10, reduce it by at least five strokes in one season. If it’s less than 10, cut it in half in a season.

63. Make a hole in one.

64. Win a tournament.

65. Make a par on a hole after hitting a ball out-of-bounds.

66. Make at least three birdies or nine pars in a row (net if you must).

67. Get your home-course ringer score – your career best on each hole – under 50.

68. Come back from at least five holes down to win a match.

69. Play at least 72 holes without losing a ball.

70. Hit a drive of 300 yards or more.

71. Sink a putt of 100 feet or more.

72. Birdie the last hole to win a tournament.

Because it builds character:

73. Choke on the last hole to lose a tournament.

74. Play 18 holes in a hard, steady rain.

75. Five-putt—while actually trying on each attempt.

76. Survive a bout with the shanks.

77. Suffer through the yips.

78. Play a Scottish or Irish links in a wind of at least 40 miles per hour.

79. Lose a tournament on a match of cards.

80. Play a foursome (alternate shot) match—ideally with your significant other.

81. Win a sudden-death playoff.

82. Play a U.S. Open course from the championship tees.

83. Lose because of a Rules infraction.

84. Give up the game.

Because, despite the embarrassment, they’re all part of golf’s colorful tapestry:

85. Finish last in a tournament.

86. Call in sick so you can play golf.

87. Play the wrong ball in a tournament.

88. Break a club in anger.

89. Sneak on and play a course—all 18 holes—without being caught (the more illustrious the course, the better).

90. Do damage to your home or its contents while practicing your swing indoors.

91. Hit—but not hurt—someone with a golf shot.

92. Be hit—but not hurt—by someone else’s golf shot.

93. Hit at least three consecutive shots into a water hazard.

94. Hit at least three consecutive shots out of bounds.

95. Find yourself in need of a toilet (not just a tree) and not find one in time.

96. Tumble into a bunker or water hazard.

97. Sign an incorrect scorecard.

98. Oversleep and miss your tee time.

99. Break a window (or windshield) with a ball you’ve struck.

100. Run out of balls.


How many of these items have you completed? Let us know your total in the comments below!

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Walter James
7 years ago

20 of the items – 🙂 WDJiii

Joe B
7 years ago


Courtney Lord
7 years ago

I completed 41 of the listed items.

7 years ago

I missing 46 through 72!!

Craig Bruska
7 years ago

Where 46 – 73?

7 years ago

George – I loved reading this. I counted only 47 that I have done, and another 30 or so that I will never be able to accomplish (Augusta is only in my dreams). But the least of these will be reading the rule book. I have other less painful ways to work up a migraine!
Thanks for sharing!
Mike Jamison

Charles Bentley
7 years ago

While I appreciate the list and it made for an interesting read (and planted a few ideas in my mind), it is obviously old and in need of updating. No. 15 is no longer possible, and it’s telling in terms of his age when this was first written versus when he passed. While I never shook his hand, I was fortunate to meet Mr. Palmer during a press event in the 1990s. Maybe you could replace No. 15 with another golf legend, such as Jack Nicklaus or Tom Watson?

David DeSmith
7 years ago

101. Play 18 holes with George Peper.

7 years ago

40 of the items, played the Old Course in the reverse routing to today’s normal routing and played 74 of the current Golf Magazine Top 100 in the world, plus not only played golf on all six continents that have golf courses but also have hit a golf ball on all seven continents, yes, including Antarctica! (Cut down 7 iron, so it fit in my suitcase, 10 yard chip shots and recovered all the balls, have to be environmentally sound) wj

7 years ago

I saw this list several years ago & realized I had accomplished a few (10). I decide to make my personal bucket list for golf. 59 items off the list & 42 out of the 50 States have been completed. George love your articles. Thanks..

7 years ago

41 of 100. At >1,750 golf courses played and have visited >4,000 in 49 countries. Logo golf ball collection >1,500.

George – you can skip Royal Adelaide until Doak and Michael Clayton finish renovating it unless you want to go to Barossa Valley and have some fabulous wine. Most municipal golf courses are better. Ganton and Walton Heath aren’t debatable also.

Fred Zonino
7 years ago

20, but some are not particularly achievements!

Bill W
7 years ago

27…….. so far

7 years ago

Interesting list, but where are 46 through 72?

Warren Reimer
7 years ago

I have 29.

7 years ago

53 when it was Arnie on #15. 52 if you go with the updated Jack version… There are a couple that I am not 100% sure of so it could be one or two more. Only two more states to go to knock off that one I have been working on for many years. Hope to do it soon. Fun list.

7 years ago

We had a technical glitch that hid numbers 46-72. They’re now showing again!

Graylyn Loomis
Digital Editor

cornelia forrence
7 years ago

25 but 46 through 72 were missing.

7 years ago

Love this. I am one of the fortunate ones that starts out 4 for 4. Played them all. I have completed 40. I love the shoot the age. I actually shot my age 65. Problem is I was 35. Hopefully in a few years from front tees and generous friends

7 years ago

I got 21 if shooting your age for 9 holes counts for #58. It was my best 9 hole score in my 30s.

7 years ago

47 but several of the last 10 I have no interest in completing and hope I don’t.

7 years ago

49 and counting.

Jim Miller
7 years ago

35 with a few more as possibilities.

7 years ago

Am at 83. Highlights include shooting 76 at the Old Course with a blind caddie, playing 72 holes at Bandon Dunes with the same ball, 2 ball-foursomes at Muirfield with Captain of Honorable Company, 15 minutes with Jack and Barbara pool side at the ’68 Western Open. (Tiger?) Top 2 remaining: shoot my age and play CPC to complete Top 30 in the World.

7 years ago

I’m up to 44, but my favorites are Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 15 and 18. Not on your list but on mine is playing 100 courses in the GBI (I am currently at 61), and playing Royal Melbourne (sometime).

7 years ago

Been to Augusta-twice- been to Pebble Beach, Bandon Dunes, Torrey Pines. Played 5 PGA tournament courses. Been in every state in a year- Played 43 States- Alaska cruise next summer to make that one ( wife thinks it’s for anniversary) 74 and shot 76 with bogeys on last two holes- next time. Enjoy Peper!

7 years ago

It is an interesting list. I am eighty-one years old and still playing.
I did play as a kid. I have played in all fifty states and twenty countries.
But only four continents. I have completed thirty-eight of your list.
I played six hundred and six courses. I may complete a few more items before I quit for good. Regards,

7 years ago

I’m at 67. I’ve played 1350 courses in 47 states and 4 countries. I’m only 37 so I’m hoping to get the country number up significantly in the future!

7 years ago

51, but should be 52 because Harvey Penick is inexplicably missing from the list in #14. Highlights include playing Augusta National and the Old Course, shooting my age, scoring a double eagle, and a hole in one. Regret passing on the opportunity to play in South America to complete the continental sweep.

Michael Feiler
7 years ago

54/100 I think. I also think you should get credit for every time you survive a bout with the shanks! (I’d have 100 never again!)

Ryan B
7 years ago

27 so far. I am cataloging all the courses and states where I have golfed in my 48 years of playing.

7 years ago

24 — plus two extra credit, for hitting five balls into a water hazard, during a tournament round.

7 years ago

13…much left to do, especially play some of those courses mentioned

Dennis Majewski
7 years ago

George, In the 1996 MGA MET/NET @Suburban GC in NJ, I found your newly purchased Driver in the fairway, upon returning it , you sent me two of your books, which I still look thru occasionally. I also started a Golf club without real estate, influenced by FLAMINGO GAZE , The Cranford Golf Club, which celebrates it’s 28th anniversary this year.
Dennis Majewski
Williamsburg VA

GARY Slatter
7 years ago

George, interesting list. 61. Did this at Royal Aberdeen. 101. Played with you in couple Thursday Clubs on the Old. My favourite match was birdie on 18 to tie you and Gordon.
Merry Christmas

7 years ago

I read about of course that spanned two countries into time zones so when you teed off it landed an hour later in another country anybody else read or hear that one of the golf magazines

Mike Doyle
7 years ago

16 not to bad. Sad that most of them came from bad shots

Don Zagoren
7 years ago

One of the great things in golf that I have done was to play 18 holes with my dog Champ on a hard crusted snow covered course.
People were cross country skiing on adjacent fairways.

Don Z

Steve Frank
7 years ago

49. I was hoping for at least half since I have played golf for 58 years. It would have been 50 if we could have substituted Arnold Palmer for Jack in #15. My wife and I sat in the bar at Latrobe CC with him and the three of us had a drink together. The three of us graced our Christmas card that year.!! I was there on behalf of the USGA where I was on a championship committee and found and located the person who picked up Arnie’s red visor which he tossed into the air on the 72nd green at Cherry Hills in 1960. The finder brought it to Latrobe and gave it to Mr. P and it was a great and memorable day.

Big Bill
7 years ago

Done almost 90. No way would I ever hit bunker shots for four hours. I can already get up and down better than more than most. Even if I were terrible out of the bunker, it’s going to diminish your skill.

Warren Reimer
7 years ago

It helps to have the full 100 items on the list. I am happy to be at 50 with some hope of getting a few more.

7 years ago

52 is my number. Mr. Peper, I met you one August day in 2005 at the Old Course. I was on a Scotland golf trip with my brother in laws and friend. We saw you playing and carrying a Sunday bag and walking your dog. As you dropped your dog off at your home off the 18th hole, we introduced ourselves to you and you kindly spoke to us. Since then, I enjoyed reading your book, My two years at St. Andrews, and any of your articles that have crossed my path. I will always remember your kindness. Look me up if you are ever in Winston Salem. You would enjoy playing Old Town Club. Happy holidays to you and your family.

Ed P.
7 years ago

62 is my number. Highlight is playing Old Course with my son on my 60th birthday trip. Thanks George for trip down memory lane. Enjoy all your stories.

7 years ago

George, this is great. 54 for me. Was fun to read and reflect on many of these as I went down the list. Thanks for putting this all together.

Mike Sheffield
7 years ago

About 25, surprised my self. Will try to get to 50,

Dave Clark
7 years ago

I have done 28 of the 100 despite not taking the game up until 50. I am now 80. Without question my biggest accomplishment is playing golf in all 50 states. It was the most fun I’ve had in golf. What a downer when it was done. Oh well, onward and upward.

Biff Kcarysten
7 years ago

At 83. Will be at 85 (at the least) by end of 2018.

Dale T.
7 years ago

I have accomplished 58 of your 100 list. My most significant accomplishments have come in the form of quantity. I have played 2,012 courses, have all the scorecards in five FJ boxes, have ranked all of these courses; 18 hole, 9 hole, executive, Par 3 etc..
I always appreciate your writing with the sly humor.

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